Changing the World: With Coffee, with good company, and with a lot of love
This week marked a momentous occasion: the first (of hopefully many!) Change the World Gathering. ( The idea came from Tim Wolfe ( after a conversation with him, Jonathan Rich ( and myself. We were sitting on the patio at the Thousand Hills Roswell store when Tim had the idea to bring his friends together, & them to bring their friends. We could change the world with a group of friends.
Thursday Feb. 11, about 55 people came together at Clairmont Hills Baptist Church in Decatur, Ga. to learn more about Thousand Hills Coffee from Jonathan D. Golden, as well as challenging teaching from Kris McDaniel, Larry Grays, Brian Audia, Todd McMichen, Jonathan Merritt & Nathan Tran. JRich was also there & we talked about his project with Charity:Water.
Not only was it simply a fun day, I feel like we covered a lot of ground. I walked away blessed, encouraged, hopeful for the church & for the work we are doing in Rwanda. A few memorables:
1) I used to view coffee as a right, something I consumed as cheaply as I could find. Now I view coffee as a privilege. -Kris McDaniel
2) You don't have to be particularly wealthy or brilliant to accomplish a lot. Get your friends together and make things happen! -From Todd McMichen's answer to "Why network?"
3) God is at work all over the place. Come together with your community to accomplish more good! -Brian Audia on the work of Surgance
4) This is about changing the world, yet we're eating Chik Fil A and drinking out of bottled water? -Larry Grays on observations for the day
5) Kris McDaniel calling me out on Social Media binging....
6) There were a multitude of people named Jonathan
7) Golden's sentiments to Tim: This is the kindest thing anyone has done for the company. I must echo this, especially after seeing the hours and sacrifices he and his family made. Thank you, Tim, Pam, Ariah, Asa & Nonny.
Do you have some friends you can get together? Email me. Let's talk.
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