Thursday, November 05, 2009

Eat Cookies. Do Good.

Last year we heard about a nine-year-old girl named Lauren who was going to sell cookies in order to help farmers in Rwanda get bicycles. I remember thinking this was cool, but after the sale was said and done we received a pack of cookies (YUM!) and a letter saying they had raised $4,000 for the Sustainable Cycle project. Whoa!! That is a lot of cookies!

I had the privilege of meeting proud parents Matt and Jessica at Catalyst Conference this year. They mentioned selling cookies again this year, and it is happening this weekend! Lauren's goal is $5,000-let's make it happen.

Shoot them an email now to (she needs to have your order by Saturday night). One dozen cookies is only $8 + $5 to ship to you, so get a few to share.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Sarah Happened

I have this beautiful, smart, funny, and - attention to all you eligible bachelors - single friend named Sarah. Sarah is special for many reasons, and one in particular benefited me greatly today. It's Sunday afternoon, with picture-perfect weather, and I needed to paint my old apartment, get a few last things and clean up a bit. Not a fun task. In the stress of it I begged Sarah to come and help, and how would I have done it without her?? We not only got all of it done with time to spare, we both laughed till we had a side-stitch. (This may or may not have been aided by the paint fumes.) I came home and exclaimed to Roommate Wendi, "My bed is in my car!" (a task that I thougt was not going to happen). "How did that happen??" My response: "Sarah Happened." It was one of those moments, those days, when I believe God smiles and says, "See? I didn't want you to be alone."

Sarah has margin in her life to help out her friends. She had plans but was able to change them for a friend in need. She also does what she says. This sounds simple, but something that I wish was more true of me. I say I am going to drop a letter in the mail, or visit this old friend, but time and life frequently get the best of me. Sarah stops by, though. And remembers the random text message just to make you smile.

So, in honor of Sarah, I dedicate to her the re-launch of my blog! I said I was going to do it, but who has the time? Somehow, Sarah finds the time for what matters. I love reading about her life, and many others who grace the world with their gift of keyboarding, and I hope to join them. Welcome back. And I pray that you all have a Sarah in your life. -EL